Engraving on polystyrene foam to make colourful greeting cards

Engraving is not just an activity for adults. Children can also try it in a creative and fun way to create beautiful greeting cards in the colors of their choice.

You will need:

From 6 years

Difficulty : easy

This experience requires the help of an adult

Let's do it

Clean the polystyrene foam tray properly

Use your scissors to cut out the bottom to make a perfectly flat surface.

With your ordinary pencil, draw a Christmas decoration.

With a toothpick or punch, go over the lines to create deep grooves.

Use a sponge to paint your surface with gouache. Mix as many colors as you like to achieve the desired effect. Be careful not to fill the grooves with paint.

Put half a sheet of white paper on your surface and press gently with your hands.

Now it’s time to have fun! Slowly peel off your sheet and watch the design print out. Great! These are the greeting cards that are ready to be sent.

Discover engraving with Félicien ROPS


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