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Science in all its forms
Find out about super fun scientific themes
Science is all around us. From your smartphone to your skis, engineers use the scientific knowledge they have accumulated over the years to understand and comprehend the world around you. With Curiokids, find out about many science topics.
Science articles written for you
Can Spider Webs Really Stop a Train?
21 February 2023
In Search of the Supermoon
21 February 2023
What do astronauts eat in space ?
21 February 2023
Infrared Vision: Let’s Decipher Supergirl’s Superpower
20 February 2023
What Are the Superpowers of Slime Moulds?
20 February 2023
For the space Curious
Other science topics you can read
Are we aliens who have come to colonize Earth?
14 March 2020
Michel-Florent Van Langren and the first map of the Moon
13 March 2020
Once upon a time there was water on Mars
12 March 2020
Are we made of star dust?
12 March 2020
Once upon a time, there was water on Mars
12 March 2020
Science and superheroes
High Tech
Infrared Vision: Let’s Decipher Supergirl’s Superpower
Supergirl a exactement les mêmes pouvoirs que Superman. Elle a une puissance et une vitesse surhumaines, une ouïe extraordinaire ainsi qu’une vision infrarouge. bref, elle voit les êtres vivants dans le noir. […]
Some completely enlightened science geniuses